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Version: 3.x


Taro3 renders the view by stitching the data from the DOM tree with setData, which drives the template (<template>).

So developers can see that the compiled code has a simple page template file that just references the public template base.xml, where all component templates are declared.

We can create a template class that controls the compiled result of the base template.

Recursive and non-recursive templates

We have encapsulated the template related processing logic into base classes. These are the RecursiveTemplate class for mini program that support template recursion, and the UnRecursiveTemplate class for mini program that do not support template recursion.

Recursive Template

In the mini program that support template recursion, the same template is able to keep calling itself, including Alipay, ByteDance, and Baidu mini program.

view_0 references container_0container_0 then reference view_0

Non-recursive Templates

In mini program that do not support template recursion, the referenced template cannot call itself again, including WeChat, QQ, and Jingdong mini programs.

view_0 references container_0container_0 can not references view_0,only references new view template view_1

Template Base Classes



The platform's template syntax keywords.


// Declared Adapter for WeChat mini program template syntax keywords
class Template extends UnRecursiveTemplate {
Adapter = {
if: 'wx:if',
else: 'wx:else',
elseif: 'wx:elif',
for: 'wx:for',
forItem: 'wx:for-item',
forIndex: 'wx:for-index',
key: 'wx:key',
xs: 'wxs',
type: 'weapp'



Readonly, if or not template recursion is supported.



Default value: false

Whether to support rendering layer scripts, such as wxs for WeChat mini program, sjs for Alipay mini program.



Default value: 'module.exports ='

Export command for rendering layer scripts.


// The export command for Alipay mini program sjs scripts is ES mode
class Template extends RecursiveTemplate {
exportExpr = 'export default'



The list of Taro built-in components, including relatively generic components and some of their generic properties.



The component that can set focus.

Default value:

focusComponents = new Set([



Elements that do not need to render child nodes. These components do not render child nodes after configuration and can reduce the template size.

Default value:

voidElements = new Set([


Map<string, number>

For an mini program, only some components have the possibility to recursively call themselves. For example, the <Map> component will not call <Map> again, while <View> can keep calling <View> recursively.

If this mini program does not support recursion and we render the <Map> template N times in a loop, then the mini program will get bigger and the templates that come out of the loop are unnecessary. So nestElements is used to mark components that may be called recursively.

But considering that components such as <Form> are not called recursively too many times, even though they may be called recursively. So in nestElements you can control the number of times it is rendered recursively, assuming that <Form> will not be called recursively more than N times, further reducing the size of the template.

Default value:

nestElements = new Map([
['view', -1],
['cover-view', -1],
['block', -1],
['text', -1],
['slot', 8],
['slot-view', 8],
['label', 6],
['form', 4],
['scroll-view', 4]

The key value is the component that can recursively call itself.

The value value represents the number of times this component has been recursively generated, -1 represents the loop baseLevel level.

replacePropName (name, value, componentName)

Replaces the attribute name of the component.

namestringProperty Name
valuestringProperty Value
componetNamestringComponent Name


replacePropName (name, value, componentName) {
// If the property value is 'eh', which means this is an event, change the property name to all lowercase.
if (value === 'eh') return name.toLowerCase()
return name

buildXsTemplate ()

For mini program that support rendering layer scripts, Taro will generate a utils script in the root directory. This function needs to be declared at this point to set the syntax of the reference to the utils script in the base template.


// WeChat mini program base template references utils.wxs script
buildXsTemplate () {
return '<wxs module="xs" src="./utils.wxs" />'

modifyLoopBody (child, nodeName)

Modify the sub-node loop body of the component template.

childstringSubnode loop body of the component template
nodeNamestringComponent name

Components not declared in this.voidElements, components that have not been declared in [this.voidElements] (.../platform-plugin-template#thisvoidelements) will traverse the child nodes for rendering.

The generic format of the template for these components:

<template name="tmpl_0_view">
<!-- Child node loop begin -->
<block wx:for="{{}}" wx:key="uid">
<!-- Child node loop body begin -->
<template is="{{...}}" data="{{...}}" />
<!-- Child node loop body end -->
<!-- Child node loop end -->


// In the <swiper> component of the Alipay mini program, the loop body has a layer of <swiper-item> and <view> components
modifyLoopBody (child, nodeName) {
if (nodeName === 'swiper') {
return `<swiper-item>
<view a:for="{{}}" a:key="id">
return child

modifyLoopContainer (children, nodeName)

Modifies the child node loop of a component template

childrenstringChild node loop for component templates
nodeNamestringComponent Name


// In the <picker> component of the Alipay mini program, the child node loops over one layer of the <view> component
modifyLoopContainer (children, nodeName) {
if (nodeName === 'picker') {
return `
return children

modifyTemplateResult (res, nodeName, level, children)

Modifies the final result of the component template.

resstringThe result of the component template
nodeNamestringComponent Name
levelstringLoop Hierarchy
childrenstringSubnode loop for component templates


// Alipay mini program does not render the <swiper-item> component template when it encounters it
modifyTemplateResult = (res: string, nodeName: string) => {
if (nodeName === 'swiper-item') return ''
return res

getAttrValue (value, key, nodeName)

Sets the component's property binding syntax.

valuestringProperty value
keystringProperty name
nodeNamestringComponent name


getAttrValue (value, key, nodeName) {
const swanSpecialAttrs = {
'scroll-view': ['scrollTop', 'scrollLeft', 'scrollIntoView']

// The property binding syntax for some properties of the scroll-view component in Baidu mini program is: {= value =}
if (isArray(swanSpecialAttrs[nodeName]) && swanSpecialAttrs[nodeName].includes(key)) {
return `= ${value} =`

// The rest of the properties still use the {{ value }} binding syntax
return `{ ${value} }`


ByteDance Mini Program Template

  • The header mini program supports template recursion, so it inherits the RecursiveTemplate base class.

  • Since you don't need to adjust the template content, you only need to set the supportXS and Adapter properties.

import { RecursiveTemplate } from '@tarojs/shared/dist/template''

export class Template extends RecursiveTemplate {
supportXS = false
Adapter = {
if: 'tt:if',
else: 'tt:else',
elseif: 'tt:elif',
for: 'tt:for',
forItem: 'tt:for-item',
forIndex: 'tt:for-index',
key: 'tt:key',
type: 'tt'

WeChat Mini Program Template

  • WeChat mini program does not support template recursion, so it inherits the UnRecursiveTemplate base class.
  • Set supportXS and Adapter properties.
  • Since WeChat mini program support rendering layer scripts wxs, set the reference syntax for utils scripts in base templates via buildXsTemplate.
  • Modified the attribute name of the component binding with replacePropName.
import { UnRecursiveTemplate } from '@tarojs/shared'

export class Template extends UnRecursiveTemplate {
supportXS = true
Adapter = {
if: 'wx:if',
else: 'wx:else',
elseif: 'wx:elif',
for: 'wx:for',
forItem: 'wx:for-item',
forIndex: 'wx:for-index',
key: 'wx:key',
xs: 'wxs',
type: 'weapp'

buildXsTemplate () {
return '<wxs module="xs" src="./utils.wxs" />'

replacePropName (name, value, componentName) {
if (value === 'eh') {
const nameLowerCase = name.toLowerCase()
if (nameLowerCase === 'bindlongtap' && componentName !== 'canvas') return 'bindlongpress'
return nameLowerCase
return name