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Static resource references

Static resources can be freely referenced in Taro as with Webpack , and there is no need to install any Loaders.

Referencing style files

Style files can be referenced directly via ES6's import syntax

For example, to reference a CSS file

import './css/path/name.css'

Referencing SCSS files

import './css/path/name.scss'

Referencing JS files

JS files can be referenced directly via ES6's import syntax

import { functionName } from './css/path/name.js'

import defaultExportName from './css/path/name.js'

Referencing images, audio, fonts and other files

You can refer to such files directly through ES6's import syntax and use them directly in JSX after getting the file reference

import namedPng from '../../images/path/named.png'

// Usage
<Image src={namedPng} />

Referencing JSON files

You can refer to such files directly through ES6's import syntax to get the JSON data output from the JSON file

//  json file
* named.json
* {
* x: 1
* }
import namedJson from '../../json/path/named.json'


Reference to local resources in mini-program style

In the style of the mini-program, local resources cannot be referenced directly by default, but only by means of network addresses, Base64. To facilitate development, Taro provides a way to refer to local resources directly in the style file, the principle of which is through the PostCSS postcss-url , The plugin converts native resource references in the style to Base64 format so that they can be loaded properly.

Taro converts resources up to 1kb in size by default, if you need to change the configuration, you can do so in config/index.js, which is located in weapp.module.postcss

The specific configuration is as follows

// mini-prgram side styles referencing local resources inline
url: {
enable: true,
config: {
limit: 10240 // Set upper limit of conversion size