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Version: 3.x

Mini Program Plugin Development

WeChat mini-program plugin development

WeChat mini-program currently only support development using React.

WeChat Mini Program plugin development overview

Create Plugin Development Templates

WeChat Mini Program plugins are divided into pages, components and interfaces. Developers can use the taro init command and then select Generate WeChat Mini Program Plugin Template to generate a Taro WeChat Mini Program plugin project containing the above three plugin types in the current directory.

Modify appid

After creating the template, you first need to modify the appid field in project.config.json and the prodiver field in src/app.js to the same appid.

Project Structure

The recommended plugin project structure is as follows:

Note that the last thing published is the contents of the plugin folder. All the contents of the plugin and its dependencies except for the npm package should be written in the plugin folder. The pages in src/pages are just for debugging the plugin.

├── config                 Project compilation configuration Directory
├── src Source Directory
| ├── pages Debug page Directory for debugging plugins
| | └── index
| ├── plugin Plugin Directory
| | ├── doc Plugin Documentation Directory
| | ├── components Component Plugin Directory
| | ├── pages Page Plugin Directory
| | ├── index.js Interface plugin files
| | └── plugin.json Plugin configuration file
| ├── app.css General project style
| └── app.js Project entry file
└── package.json
└── package.config.json

Compile Project

taro build --plugin weapp
taro build --plugin weapp --watch

Add Mini Program Project

Add the Taro plugin project root in WeChat Developer Tools.

Using The Plugin Page

Add the pages field of plugin.json to the page plugin path.

"pages": {
"list": "pages/list/list"

The page uses the path: plugin://[name of registered plugin in app.js]/[name of registered page in plugin.json] for jumping.

<Navigator url='plugin://myPlugin/list'>
Go to pages/list!

Using plugin components

The publicComponents field of plugin.json adds the component plugin path.

"publicComponents": {
"avatar": "components/avatar/avatar"

Configure the plugin name and plugin path in the page configuration config.usingComponents (plugin://[name of plugin registered in app.js]/[name of component registered in plugin.json]).

export default class Index extends Component {
config = {
usingComponents: {
'avatar': 'plugin://myPlugin/avatar'

Plugin components accept external props

If you need to pass parameters to the plugin, you need to pass them uniformly in the component's props.

// General props passing
<Plugin title={} desc={this.state.desc} />

// needs to be transformed to the following form when using the plugin component.
const extraProps = {
desc: this.state.desc
<Plugin props={extraProps} />

Using the plugin interface

The main field of plugin.json adds the path to the interface plugin.

"main": "index.js"

Use in the page:

const myPluginInterface = Taro.requirePlugin('myPlugin')

export default class Index extends Component {
componentWillMount () {
const answer = myPluginInterface.answer
console.log('answer: ', answer)