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Version: 3.x


This article will introduce how to configure routes, implement route jumping and pass parameters in Taro.

Routing Configuration

Taro follows the routing specification of the WeChat mini program. Simply modify the pages attribute of the global configuration and configure it as the path to each page in the Taro app.

Taro does not implement the browser's history API, so it cannot use routing libraries such as react-router, vue-router, etc.

Routing Jump

You can use the API provided by Taro to jump to the destination page. For detailed usage of the routing API, see the navigation section of the API documentation.

Example code
// Jump to the destination page and open a new page
url: '/pages/page/path/name'

// Jump to the destination page and open on the current page
url: '/pages/page/path/name'

Routing of parameters

Jumps can be passed by adding query string parameters to all jumps after the url, eg.

// Pass in the parameter id=2&type=test
url: '/pages/page/path/name?id=2&type=test'

Get route parameters

After a successful jump, the routing parameters can be obtained in the lifecycle method of the target page via Taro.getCurrentInstance().router.params.

Example code
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { View } from '@tarojs/components'

class Index extends Component {
// It is recommended that the result of getCurrentInstance() be saved for later use during page initialization.
// Instead of calling this API frequently
$instance = getCurrentInstance()

componentDidMount () {
// Get route parameters
console.log($instance.router.params) // 输出 { id: 2, type: 'test' }

render () {
return (
<View className='index' />

export default Index