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Unsupported Mini Program Features

App Object


Page Object

selectComponentRecommended to refactor with React ref
selectAllComponentsRecommended to refactor with React ref
selectOwnerComponentRecommended to refactor with React ref

Custom Component

externalClassesTaro 3 does not have custom components, it is recommended to standardize class names or use CSS Module instead

Wxml Syntax

Circulation[Some grammar restrictions apply]
EventSome grammar restrictions apply
CitationSome grammar restrictions apply
wxsSome grammar restrictions apply

Key Questions

1. No base class handled

In native development, the public logic of App, Page, and Component construction objects are often integrated into base classes.

As Vant-weapp

// Component
data: {}
// Base Classes
function VantComponent(vantOptions = {}) {
// Integrate component-specific configuration vantOptions and public configuration into the final configuration object options
// ...

// Call the Component method of the mini program to construct a custom component

Taro only recognizes the App(), Page(), Component() calls that exist in the entry, page, and component files at compile time, and these calls do not exist when the configuration is wrapped using the base class. So the compiled withWeapp gets the parameter {}.

data: {}
// The mini program configuration object should be passed into withWeapp
class _C extends React.Component {}

Therefore we need to manually modify.

// Base classes
function VantComponent(vantOptions = {}) {
// Integrate the component-specific configuration vantOptions and the public configuration into the final configuration object options
// ...

// Call the Component method of the mini program to construct a custom component
// Component(options);

// 1. The base class returns the integrated options directly
return options
// 2. Pass the configuration created by the base class into withWeapp.
const options = VantComponent({
data: {}
class _C extends React.Component {}

2. Style Scopes

The custom component in WeChat mini program will generate a React/Vue component in Taro after conversion.

However, the components developed in Taro using React/Vue will not generate the corresponding mini program custom components when compiled to the mini program platform.

Therefore, the style isolation feature of the WeChat mini program custom component is lost after the conversion to Taro.


  1. Modify the conflicting selector.
  2. Use CSS Modules to rewrite.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. wxml syntax conversion problem

Converting wxml to JSX is achieved by manipulating AST, and there are some writes that may not take into account, or may be difficult to adapt, resulting in error reporting.

The following are some known issues that need to be fixed manually.

1.1 Component conversion error when using both wx:for and wx:if statements

When both wx:for and wx:if statements are used on the component, and the current loop element item or loop subscript index is used as the judgment condition, the conversion will report an error.


// Before the conversion (note that the condition uses the circular subscript index).
<block wx:for="{{objectArray}}" wx:if="{{index % 2 !== 0}}">
<view>objectArray item: {{}}</view>
// After the conversion
{index % 2 !== 0 && (
{, index) => {
return (
<View>{'objectArray item: ' +}</View>

As you can see in the above example, for the conversion of conditional statements, the current processing extracts the condition outside the component. However, if the condition uses item or index, such extraction logic will result in an error reporting variable not defined.

For the time being, this can be fixed manually by fixing.

Method 1, modify the code before compiling to split the loop and conditional statements into two components.

<block wx:for="{{objectArray}}">
<block wx:if="{{index % 2 !== 0}}">
<view>objectArray item: {{}}</view>

Method two, modify the code of post-compile to put the conditional judgment into the loop body.

{, index) => {
return (
{index % 2 !== 0 && <View>{'objectArray item: ' +}</View>}

1.2 The root element cannot contain the hidden attribute.

1.3 Compile with an error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token

A space is required to the right of the apostrophe "<". #4243


Check for the following writing style.

<view>{{a <4? "1": "2"}}</view>

Change to:

<view>{{a < 4? "1": "2"}}</view>

1.4 Run with the following error: ReferenceError: item is not defined

Look at the compiled JSX to see if the variable was removed from because it was omitted, eg:

// The following code does not reference item
const { a, b, c } =

The variable name in should not be the same as the variable name used to specify the current subscript of the array, which defaults to item, or the variable name specified by wx:for-index.

1.5 The GetRegExp method in WXS is not supported.

Construct regular expressions using RegExp.

1.6 The use of <template> is not supported in <include>

1.7 The catch event is not supported in the template at this time

2. Event

  • Events do not support binding strings.
  • The catchtouchmove conversion only stops the callback function from bubbling, it does not prevent scroll-through. To prevent scroll-through, you can manually add the catchMove property to the compiled View component.
  • Event capture phase is not supported.
  • Responding to events with WXS functions is not supported.
  • Mutually exclusive event binding mut-bind is not supported.
  • Does not support mark to identify the specific target node that triggered the event.

3. CommonJS and ES modular syntax do not mix

Possible error messages encountered.

  • Cannot assign to read only property 'exports' of object
  • export '[something]' (imported as '[name]') was not found in '[somePath]'

Where the mini program API is used, Taro will convert wx.api() to Taro.api() and add import Taro from '@tarjs/taro to the header of the file.

If this file originally used CommonJS to organize the module, it may cause problems and need to be fixed manually.

4. The selectorQuery API does not get the DOM.

  1. must be in the onReady, ready life cycle to call the mini program API to get the DOM. 2.
  2. You don't need to call .in(this) method.

5. Image does not handle dynamically stitched src

Taro will process the src of the Image component.

// Before conversion.
<Image src='../../img/icons/0.png' />
// After conversion.
<Image src={require('../../img/icons/0.png')} />

However, if src is a dynamically spliced string, you need to modify it manually: src is a dynamically spliced string.

// Before conversion.
<Image src='../../img/icons/' + + '.png' />
// After conversion.
<Image src='../../img/icons/' + + '.png' />
// For manual changes, the images also need to be manually copied to the corresponding directory in taroConert/src.
<Image src={require('../../img/icons/' + + '.png')} />

6. The argument to require cannot be a variable

Possible error messages encountered:

  • The "path" argument must be of type string. Received type undefined

Does not support converting the following writeups.#4749

var pathTest = './test.js'
var test = require(pathTest)

Taro can currently only convert require strings to be written.

7. The export from syntax is not handled

Temporary manual handling #5131

8. Issues

For more questions on reverse conversion, please refer to the Taroize related Issues